
Wednesday, August 24

What Now?

It was during the past year that I really began to worry about what I was going to do with my life. I suddenly realized that I didn't have very much time to figure it out. I began frantically searching for something that would make my life mean something, something that would make a difference in the world, something that I could be remembered for.

This realization didn't come about because I'd been out of college for two years and still didn't really have a "real" job, or because most of my friends were settling into their careers or getting married or getting pregnant, etc. etc. etc., (although all of those things were true.) No, this realization that I had only a few months to do something, (and to do something great,) came about for one reason and one reason alone.

Oprah announced that her show was going off the air.

The Oprah Show began in September of 1986. I was 9 months old. I grew up with Oprah and as I watched her historic final season, her 25th season, I couldn't help but feel that we somehow were kindred spirits, as it was also my 25th year.

So, why my sudden rush to do something meaningful with my life, you ask?

To get onto The Oprah Show, of course.

I've mentioned to you that I want to write. I have several great ideas for books and I work on each of them from time to time. Well, in the past, my daydreams of having a book published always led to one place...sitting next to Oprah.

So, during this past year, my daydreams were dreadfully interrupted. I cannot tell you how many times that I have caught myself thinking, "this is such a great idea...I can totally see myself being interviewed by Op...God DAMN IT."

And I'd be willing to bet that I am not the only one mourning the loss of my childhood dream. A lot has happened this summer. And as I've watched these inspiring/touching/tragic/shocking/scandalous stories flash across my televion screen, there has been one truth that has continued to shock me more than the stories themselves...these people will never be on Oprah.

Let's take a moment to consider who might have been on the 26th season of The Oprah Show.

The newly split...

The newly wed...

The inexplicable...

The newly rehabilitated...

The end of the world...

The genius...

The end...

Caught with his pants down...

Caught with his pants down...

Caught with his pants down...


And that's just off the top of my head. Who is going to interview these people? Who is going to help us to make sense of all of this?

In all seriousness, though...dear, Oprah...thank you.

Thank you for giving a kid from Jacksonville, Florida a reason to believe that she would one day end up sitting next you. You gave me, and so many others out there, a reason to believe that I had something worthy to say.

And so, today, Oprah, three months to the day after your last episode aired...I just want to say thank you. And that you will always be missed.

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