
Thursday, January 5

A Very Anthro Christmas

So, I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite Christmas gifts this year.

Last year, my sister, Burton, gave me three bowls from this collection at Anthropologie.


Oh, hold the phone, I need to back up and preface this topic with something...

I.  LOVE. Anthropologie.

I love it.  I love their clothes, but their home section is my first true love.

I'm obsessed with their marketing department, too.

Seriously, I have pages of their catalogs framed in my home.  Well, I have them framed in storage right now, but when I get back into my own place they'll find a spot back on the wall.

So, this year for Christmas I asked for more dishes from Anthropologie.  I thought it would be a fun idea to start collecting them and to have an awesome, mix-matched set of dishes one day.

My family and friends really pulled through for me.  And each time they gave me 2 or 3 plates or bowls they'd say, "...and you wanted them not to match...right?"

They may not get it now, but one day they will.  Oh boy, will they.

Here are a few that I got...

My awesome uncles gave me 3 gorgeous
plates.  LOVE the raised, scalloped
edges on these.

In love with these colors.

Also got one from this collection with a bird
 on it.
Love the polka dotted edges...

Brian's sweet sister, Tracey, gave me one of these.
The "b," of course, and some really pretty dessert plates, too!

My mom gave me two of these awesome spice jars,
(3 and 4, for their colors)
I'm obsessed with cooking shows and they always
have these great jars for salt and pepper by the stove,
so that is why these went on my list.

And Burton gave me a couple of
these gorgeous bowls.  They're a little
bigger, which I like.

So, as you can plainly see, I had a very Merry Christmas.

Although it did make me really wish I had my own kitchen right now...but, alas, I don't.

The idea is to eventually have, of course, an amazing kitchen with beautiful floating shelves in place of cabinets so that my amazing collection can be on display all of the time.  Functional art.  Kind of like Anthropologie catalog pages.


For kicks, (and to brag a little,) I'll share some of my other gifts with you.

This is fun, it's kind of like Oprah's Favorite Things...

Unfortunately, I don't have any of these things to give away to you.  Sorry, folks.  I'm keeping 'em.  But, hopefully, this will still be entertaining and maybe even helpful.

For example, I will tell you that I LOVE my...

from sweet Brian.

Definitely on the top of my favorite gifts list this year, my Keurig!  I especially love the Wild Mountain Blueberry flavored coffee...

The boy also gave me this beautiful scarf, (also from Anthropologie...scored some points.)


My brother and sister-in-law tugged at my heartstrings with their gift...

Aww, yeaya.

AND I used a gift card that Brian's sweet parents gave me to buy a bottle of my favorite perfume, Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker.  

I'm obsessed with SJP, and her perfume.

Here's hoping that all of you had as Merry of a Christmas as I did.  

Complete with love, laughter, and Glee.

Brian and I made fried zucchini fritters for his parents last night, and I'll be sharing the recipe with you tomorrow...they are, in a word, a-mah-zing.  (Happy Endings, anyone?)

Until then.


  1. Come use my kitchen! But you have to leave the food you make...

  2. I LOVE Happy Endings, and I say a-mah-zing all the time.
    That reminds me! I have last night's episode on DVR and it's almost MB's bedtime. WOOT!
