
Tuesday, March 20

Before-and-After Pictures are Crack.

Big news, folks.  

I present to first official before-and-after picture.  

After all, that's why we're all here, isn't it, fellow DIY-ers?  

Before-and-after pictures = crack.

I would like to say this, before-and-after pictures are not something you can do on your own.

Many, many people contributed to this before-and-after picture.

I would like to thank my brother, Paul, for leaving this dresser behind when he moved out of our parents' house.

World Market, for selling beautiful drawer pulls at a ridiculously awesome price.

my boyfriend, Brian, for chatting with the cashier at World Market while I spent 20 minutes browsing for drawer pulls.

my mom, Courtney, for allowing me to take over the deck and living room for the duration of this project.

and finally, my dad, Jeff, for deciding to become a carpenter and for always being so generous with supplies...

without which, I might never have created this before-and-after picture.

Check back in with me tomorrow for the step-by-step description of this project.

and maybe another Clueless moment.

Until then.