
Friday, September 21

"Canvas Prints" for a Fraction of the Cost!

Happy iPhone 5 Day, everybody!

Yes, Brian and I were 2 of the lucky millions to receive their brand-spanking-new iPhones today.

No, we were not 2 of the crazy millions waiting in line at the stores...but, Brian was 1 of the sleepy millions who woke up at 3 am last week to pre-order.

I feel very lucky, I never had an iPhone 4, that's not to say that I wasn't lucky to have my iPhone 3GS, but this is a pretty nice upgrade for me.

{Not to mention the fact that my phone was powering down randomly several times a day.  Boo.}

But, I digress.

I made a really cute, really easy photo project for our kitchen this afternoon!

You might have already seen it on Facebook:

I mentioned in my Happy Birthday, Atticus! post that I was obsessed with those pictures of her and that I'd love to see them framed in our kitchen.  Well, they are now framed in our kitchen.

And I am obsessed.

So, I started to think that the color was so great in the photographs that a borderless print might be cool. Something like a canvas print.

Well, I don't know if you've ever had canvas prints made, but they can get pretty expensive rather quickly.

So, I actually was able to achieve this look {& I think it looks pretty darn good} for...

under $10!

That's right, I said $10.

I printed these pictures at home and then put them in basic acrylic photo boxes from Michael's for under $3 each!

Let me say it again, I LOVE them!

This is what we had there before:

which I love.  It's actually an original water color done by the daughter of a well-known local artist.  

She went to high school with my mom and painted it for her.

I think the dark frame just doesn't do anything to lighten up things in there, {with the dark cabinets, too.}

So, I thought these prints would be a great way to lighten things up and add some color.  Especially since we can't paint these lovely beige walls.  {Boo, renting.}

So I'm pretty excited about them!  What do you think?

I love the color, I love the "canvas-y" look & I love that I didn't spend more than $10 on this project.

{and I LOVE that dog.}

I hope you that you all have an awesome weekend. 

Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do.

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