
Monday, April 30

How to: Go Overboard on Your Boyfriend's Birthday

I started this blog just after I turned 25.  There was something about that birthday.

25 years.  A quarter of a century. 

I had no idea what I was doing...

My friends were all either getting married or being promoted or buying houses or having babies.  

I was single, living in a garage apartment with Atticus {my dog} had been working the same part-time jobs for three years, had rather randomly decided to become Vegan, and then suddenly had to move back in with my parents...

I had no idea what my next 25 years were going to look like.  

I wasn't even sure what I wanted them to look like.

So, I started this blog and started talking to you about the things that I thought I might want for the 2nd quarter of my life {...if I live until I'm 100...just go with it}

Brian turned 25 today.

For the last couple of weeks I have been completely overwhelmed by this birthday.

I'm not sure why.

Maybe it's because it's his first birthday with me.

Or maybe it's because I spend too much time on Pinterest and I was overcome with creative inspiration.

Or because he's turning 25 and this is My Next 25 Years and I envisioned all of the blogging possibilities...

Maybe it's because I am head-over-heels in love with this man and I have never felt more like celebrating the fact that somebody was born.

I think that these are all probably true.

But the number 25 kept flashing in my head and I decided to do something that I used to love doing for my friends when I was in high school.

25 years.  25 gifts.

Surprisingly enough...this was a helluva lot easier to accomplish when we were 16.  

But I powered through.  If you count cards and meals and desserts and little trinkets and spread it out over a few days it's not so difficult... 

{that being said, I will not be doing this again for his 30th birthday}

So, after a birthday dinner last night with Brian's family, I gave him his first gift.

I think he was a little confused by the 1 on his card.  Until I gave him a gift with a 2 on it.

1st round of gifts

So, over the next few days I will share with you some of Brian's gifts and some seriously amazing birthday-week recipes...

On the menu:

Key Lime Chicken {& Tofu}
Smashed Fried Potatoes
Monkey Bread
Individual Omelettes
Crock Pot Boiled Peanuts
Chocolate Chip Cookie Oreo Brownies...

you heard me.

Until then, Happy Birthday, Brian.

I love you.

Here's to your next 25 years.

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